
Vecna is WEAK, But VERY FUN! – DbD PTB 8.0.0 Review

This is my full in depth review of the new Dead By Daylight character: The Lich, along with the new survivor perks.

00:00 ADHD Intro
00:52 Vecna’s Power
02:08 Fly
04:44 Dispelling Sphere
06:10 Flight of the Damned
10:23 Mage Hand
14:42 Special Items
17:55 Perks
17:55 Dark Arrogance
19:03 Languid Touch
20:23 Weave Attunement
20:40 Bardic Inspiration
21:33 Mirrored Illusion
22:10 Still Sight

Music is from Splatoon, Mario Kart and Super Monkey Ball 2

#dbd #intothefog #dead_by_daylight

公開日 2024-05-17 03:11:46
タグ dead by daylight,vecna,the lich,dead by daylight ptb,new killer,languid touch,arrogance,dead by daylight new killer,dbd new killer,the lich dead by daylight gameplay,mage hand,fly,dispelling sphere,addons,iridescent addons,memento mori,dead by daylight mori,matt mercer,dungeons and dragons,baldurs gate 3,Aestri Yazar,Baermar Uraz,The Troupe,new character,ptb,ptb review,summary,dead by daylight summary,dbd summary,patch,8.0.0,anniversary