
Twins Rework REVERTED! DS Animation REMOVED! – DbD

This is the changes from the PTB that the update will have that will release next week on the 23rd of April. Here they are in format text:

00:00 Twins Rework Reverted
01:11 Blight Addon Nerf
01:42 DS Animation Removed
02:13 Ultimate Weapon Sidegrade

All the changes from the PTB, Dev Diary Summary, Developer Update, whatever else you want to put here….

#intothefog #dbd

公開日 2024-04-19 00:46:28
タグ dead by daylight,dbd,dead by daylight twins,ptb,twins rework,decisive strike,ultimate weapon,adrenaline,buff,nerf,the twins,charlotte,twins op,twins s tier,gamebreaking,developer update,dead by daylight developer update,dead by daylight ptb,dbd ptb,dbd dev diary,dev diary,decisive strike animation,all changes,new update,update coming,mintskull,summary,twins gameplay,dead by daylight gameplay,ds buff,decisive strike buff,overpowered,op,broken,bug,glitch