
Tru3ta1ent vs Scott Jund – Dead by Daylight Discussion

Today I give my thoughts and opinions in the tru3ta1ent vs scott jund dramas that escalated recently. Tru3ta1ent and Scott Jund are two big content creators in the world of Dead by Daylight and recently alot has happened on youtube, Twitter and even seen the removal of their fog whisperer status for Tru3Ta1ent. People have asked my opinions and thoughts on the matter so thought I would discuss these right now. Please take the time to watch the whole video before jumping to conclusion guys

Dead by Daylight is an Asymmetrical horror 4 v1 game and has received many updates including new content including the resident evil chapter for 2021. Hope you enjoy the gameplay.

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Treutalent twitter, Tru3ta1ent twitter, Scott Jund, Tru3ta1ent, dead by daylight fog whsiperer, dead by daylight fog whsiperer, Dead by daylight gameplay, dead by daylight Hag gameplay, dbd Hag, dead by daylight best Freddy build, DBD killer gameplay, dead by daylight HAG killer game play, Sweaty SWF, Sweaty SWF vs Hag Dead by Daylight, Sweaty SWF vs Hag dbd. Salty Survivor Dead by Daylight, Salty Survivor DBD, Dead by Daylight gameplay 2021, DBD gameplay 2021, dbd gameplay, dbd killer gameplay, dead by daylight killer gameplay 2021, dbd killer gameplay 2021

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#tru3ta1ent #scottjund #deadbydaylight

公開日 2021-06-10 03:08:54
タグ tru3ta1ent vs scott jund,truetalent twitter,tru3ta1ent twitter,scott jund,scott jund twitter,tru3ta1ent,scott jund vs truetalent,scott jund and tru3ta1ent,dead by daylight fog whisperer,dbd fog whisperer,dbd tru3ta1ent,dbd scott jund,dead by daylight scott jund,dead by daylight tru3ta1ent,tru3ta1ent fog whisperer,dead by daylight,dbd,dead by daylight gameplay 2021,dbd gameplay 2021,jayallo,dead by daylight news,dead by daylight discussion,dbd news