
Trickster Mains are NOT happy… | Dead by Daylight

The Trickster received a substantial rework with the clear objective of boosting his very low kill-rate and making him more engaging for both sides. In the PTB, the “new” Trickster certainly had some issues. But instead of balancing around them, they reverted some critical changes to the point where he’s now arguably weaker than before.

0:00 Players are NOT happy
0:19 What changed?
1:41 New Photocard Add-on
2:08 Build in action

Petition made by several Trickster players about their grievances:

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Thumbnail render by @LuminiousDBD:

公開日 2023-12-01 03:19:12
タグ otzdarva,otz,dbd,dead by daylight,killer build,best perks,best add-ons,trickster,iridescent,photocard,add-on,rework,changes,buff,nerf