
Top Tier Singularity Showcase | Dead by Daylight

Singularity has been out for a few days and its very clear that this is one of the hardest killers to master in Dead by Daylight.
I have invited the two best teams in Dead by Daylight to play in a Singularity Showmatch with $300 prizepool to see how the best players use and also counter him.
Both of them have practiced playing with and against Singularity in the past week and came up with very unique builds and strategies.
The 300€ Prizepool was partially crowd funded huge thanks to:
DonArcana: 50€
RoxannaGV 10€
Hyperion7312 13,37€
Frikerf 6,90€
SausageTears 3.33€
MaybePigeon 13,37€
Zexov 45€
MaybePigeon 4,20€
Styff___ 50€

Top Tier Singularity Showcase | Dead by Daylight
I stream 5 times a week at https://www.twitch.tv/hens333

Community Discord: https://discord.gg/MfnbrEVkPQ

公開日 2023-06-25 22:47:44
タグ Dead by Daylight,Killer,Gameplay,DBD,Tips,Tricks,Cheater,Hens,Hens333,Hens DBD,dbd,Top Tier Singularity Showcase | Dead by Daylight