
Things That We Nowadays Take For Granted in DBD

This video showcases different mechanics and changes that have been added over the course of Dead By Daylight’s history

Footage from other people that I’ve used in this video:

Any other video footage that is not listed is stuff the I’ve recorded myself

All images are either from the DBD Wiki or Google Images

The Dead By Daylight Wiki: https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_by_Daylight_Wiki

Crosstown Traffic Remix – https://youtu.be/vtdQxB_4eCU?si=PzMw8S-mgnRW8oqM
Silent Hill 2 White Noiz – https://youtu.be/WZqiqeH_-o0?si=PDvFmaVk_tPxmYki
Jet Set Radio Soundtrack – https://youtu.be/8VyaShl6urc

0:00 – Intro
0:37 – Generator Kicking
1:45 – Base-Kit Borrowed Time
3:09 – Bloodlust
4:37 – Anti-Camping Mechanic
5:58 – Entity Blocker
6:30 – Unique Chase Music
7:30 – Outro

sorry if this seems like a filler video, I’ll try my best for the next one, I promise
nonetheless, hope u enjoy :3

公開日 2023-12-03 06:37:20
タグ 動画,ビデオ,共有,カメラ付き携帯電話,動画機能付き携帯電話,無料,アップロード,チャンネル,コミュニティ,YouTube,ユーチューブ