
The MOST OUTDATED Features in DBD!

These are features that need reworks or revamps in order to fit the game better. These are all old features that were made with a different game design in mind. Feel free to disagree.

00:00 Luck
01:52 Broken Keys
03:44 Maps (Item)
06:56 BP Offerings
08:02 Secret Offerings
09:50 Fog Offerings
10:33 Prestige System
14:01 Devotion System
15:15 Settings Menu Overhaul
17:02 Shrine of Secrets
17:33 Hooks Destroyed on Sacrifice

#intothefog #dbd

All music from Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

公開日 2023-04-23 03:38:53
タグ dead by daylight,dbd,offerings,broken key,maps,how to use maps,settings,uncap fps,dbd offerings,dbd old features,old dbd,old veterans,veteran,dbd facts,dbd fun,useless facts,useless information,facts,you didn’t know,luck,luck offering,survivor op,mintskull,fun facts,easter egg