
Sweaty Streamer Rages Over Iridescent Head! – Dead By Daylight

RPD is lame, worst map by far

Should go without saying to not harass this guy, duh.

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🎵 Outro Song: 3XQ by Baron Grand 🎵

公開日 2021-09-23 02:10:23
タグ rank 1,dead by daylight,new map,new survivor,funny moments,best perk build,Rapidmain,new killer,gameplay,rapid dbd,rank 1 gameplay,rank 1 dbd,toxic survivor,dead by daylight moments,otz,otzdarva,dowsey,salty survivor,salty dbd,Pinhead DBD,The Cenobite,dbd salty survivors,dead by daylight salty survivors,dead by daylight rage streamer,dead by daylight streamer rage,dead by daylight salty streamers,dbd salty streamers,dbd iri head,Iridescent head