
Super Speed Hag vs NICOLAS CAGE is Dead By Daylight’s Ultimate Chaotic Showdown

Hag has been blessed with a new pair of shoes, and she’s using them to hunt down Nicolas Cage – yes, that Nic Cage. With the buff to Waterlogged Shoe, The Hag can now start a match of Dead by Daylight with a base movespeed faster than any other killer. Now, truly nothing could stop her. Not even one of the greatest actors of our generation.

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Background Music
“Sweet Cider”
by i$mael jam

#dbd #deadbydaylight

公開日 2023-07-07 22:30:19
タグ yerv,yerv dbd,dbd,dead by daylight,nicolas cage,dbd nicolas cage,dbd ptb,dbd killer,dead by daylight killer,dbd hag,the hag,hag gameplay,dead by daylight hag,dead by daylight nicolas cage,dead by daylight gameplay,nicolas cage vs hag,killer gameplay vs nicolas cage,hag dbd,hag dead by daylight,dbd funny moments,dead by daylight funny moments,dead by daylight ptb,waterlogged shoe,dbd nic cage,dead by daylight nic cage,nicolas cage dbd,nic cage dbd