
Slinger makes Whispers worth running! | Dead by Daylight

This video explains the perk Whispers and showcases one of the few builds that can make it worth running in the current patch. After playing with this build several times both on stream and off, I’d say Deathslinger is probably one of the better users of it if you pair with M&A and the Iri Coin.

00:00 Whispers Explained
01:47 Match 1 (Torment Creek)
13:24 Match 2 (Ormond)

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Big thanks to @Ev3ntic for the thumbnail render.

公開日 2023-06-06 00:39:54
タグ otzdarva,otz,dbd,dead by daylight,killer build,best perks,best add-ons,deathslinger build,iri coin,whispers,explained,whispers dbd