There are many unused and scrapped addons in Dead By Daylight. Icons that were lost with time, or icons that were never seen before. Even icons that reveal very interesting lore trivia and development changes. In today’s video, we will check all of them in a single, compact vid that also includes two of my theories for those that like that stuff
Check the Firecracker addons here:
I have used imagery including perk, items, addons that were taken from the DBD Wiki under their Fair Use clause:
00:00 Firecracker Addons
01:25 Name Change Addons
01:47 Yumi’s Murder (The Trickster)
02:14 Jacob’s Baby Shoes (The Artist)
02:51 Las Plagas Variant (Wesker)
03:27 Decomissioned Addons (Clown)
03:49 The Trapper
04:15 The Wraith
04:49 The Doctor
05:05 The Hillbilly
05:22 The Legion (Cold Dirt Theory)
06:05 The Huntress
06:36 The Spirit
07:10 Completely Scrapped Addons
07:26 Wraith Scrapped Addon
08:02 Shredded Fedora (The Nemesis)
09:15 ArtifactER Theory (The Twins)
11:58 The Inhaler and Chewed Gum
13:38 Ghostface has Asthma Theory
All music is from TLOZ TP and SS
This is where I would plug various big name dbd content creators in order to boost myself in SEO hehehe
#dbd #intothefog #dead_by_daylight
公開日 | 2022-12-15 01:00:25 |
タグ | dead by daylight,dbd,white eyes,dead by daylight lore,dead by daylight theory,dead by daylight easter egg,secret,easter egg,dead by daylight mystery,new chapter,new killer,new survivor,new dlc,new update,Mintskull,facts,scary facts,disturbing facts,creepy facts,dead by daylight creepy,horror,horror game,facts you didn’t know,useless facts,theory,conspiracy,otzdarva,jrm,noob3,probzz,ayrun,ringu,entity,knight,addons,gameplay addons,scrapped content |