
Rant: “Snowflakes” In The DBD Community

People need to stop projecting this terminology on others when all they’re doing is describing themselves.

I stream live on Twitch! Come say hello https://www.twitch.tv/spooknjukes

The clips used came from this video

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公開日 2023-04-11 03:53:07
タグ dbd salty survivors,dead by daylight salty survivors compilation,dead by daylight salty survivors,dead by daylight streamer rage,dead by daylight trolling streamers,dead by daylight salty streamers,dbd salty streamers,dbd entitlement,dead by daylight salt,toxic survivors dead by daylight karma,dbd funny moments,dead by daylight new killer,dbd,dead by daylight entitled survivors,dead hard nerf,dead by daylight is dying,dead by daylight nerfs