
Plot Twist Is The GREATEST Survivor Perk In DBD!!!

Nicolas Cage is finally available to play as the newest survivor in Dead By Daylight and in this video I show you how insane his teachable perk “Plot Twist” is to lose killers in chase!!!
Patch 7.1.0 also includes buffs to survivor perks & killer balancing!

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#nicolascage #dbd #horrorgaming

公開日 2023-07-27 00:00:41
タグ dead by daylight,dbd,nicolas cage,dead by daylight nicolas cage,nicolas cage dbd,spookyloopz,spookyloopz survivor,dbd plot twist,dbd plot twist build,nicolas cage voice lines dbd,dbd patch 7.1.0,dbd sadako,dbd sadako rework,dead by daylight funny moments,dbd looping killers,nicolas cage dbd perks,otzdarva,otz,dbd new survivor