
Pinhead “Cenobite” is here! New DBD Killer! Full PTB showcase! |Dead by Daylight

Cenobite Hellraiser is here! New DBD Killer! Full PTB showcase! |Dead by Daylight

hey all PotatoLegion here I hope you’re well!
FULL PTB showcase is here!!!

I will work on the time-stamps later! Every animation has been shown!
As of uploading this I am currently live!!

See you all on stream! Enjoy the video!

Second channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXqPHl5M2rJqd156vCmJwRA
📺Follow to see me live📺
If the link don’t work search PotatoLegionTV on twitch!

⭐ If you guys like my video please be sure to subscribe! If not thanks for watching! ⭐

🎮Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/tvCrWwK 🎮
💬 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionOfPotatoes/
💬 Twitter: https://twitter.com/PotatoLegionYT

🎵Ending Music by: thesedonas.com 🎵

#DeadbyDaylight​​ #intothefog​​ #DbD​​ #BHVR #Legion

公開日 2021-08-18 04:12:20
タグ DBD,BHVR,Dead by Daylight,dead,by,daylight,fog whisper,intothefog,Steam,PC,Twitch streamer,twitch,Survivor,Killer,Horror,Scary game,Horror game,Scary,jumpscare,Rank 1,Red Rank,kwf,event,subscriber special,salty,salt,huntress,exposed,devour,mori,snipe,toxic,trickster,midwich,build,blood warden,warden,legion,blood,hellraiser,pinhead,Cenobite