
One perk saved the entire streak… | DBD All Perk Streak Ep. 4

The “All Perk Streak” is a challenge that requires us to win 30 consecutive games using every perk and character in Dead by Daylight. After recovering from a heartbreaking defeat, it was time to play some of the most difficult and draining games yet.

Episode 1: https://youtu.be/ucQMqsCUnJ8
Episode 2: https://youtu.be/1XChE6rIfEQ
Episode 3: https://youtu.be/rRw7PVti1DY

Watch live: https://www.twitch.tv/Otzdarva
Join our community: http://discord.gg/Otzdarva

Edited by Poggy | https://www.twitter.com/PoggysPlace
Thumbnail 3D render courtesy of @Ev3ntic

公開日 2023-03-28 02:35:58
タグ otzdarva,otz,dbd,dead by daylight,killer,best killer perks,challenge,streak,win streak,winstreak,50 wins,swf,dredge,sadako,billy,nemesis