
“ONE good reason not to camp…” | Weekly Compilation

Another dose of weekly highlights, this time featuring a perfectly good reason why you shouldn’t camp. And some other more murderous moments too, I guess.

⚠ Disclaimer ⚠ Last week DBD had a very game-breaking bug, so to avoid any headaches I decided to take the opportunity to play some other games a bit more on stream. Let me know if you enjoy the variety!

Games featured: Dead by Daylight + Texas Chain Saw Massacre + Hitman Trilogy

Edited by: https://twitter.com/SimpingForOtz
Outro song: https://soundcloud.com/tea_scholar/its-all-a-dream

公開日 2023-09-18 22:49:55
タグ otzdarva,otz,dbd,dead by daylight,funny moments,camping,bubba,texas,hitman