
New MONSTER Killer and GOTH Survivor! – DBD 7.6.0 PTB

The Unknown and Sable Ward are finally here with the new chapter “All Things Wicked!” part of the 7.6.0 Update. Here are my thoughts!

This video has the power explanation, new survivor, perk explanation and map showcase!

Here are all the new perks and powers in text format: https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/435

00:00 Intro for ADHD Viewers
00:23 The Unknown Power
04:12 Unbound Perk
04:36 Unforeseen Perk
05:06 Undone Perk
06:00 New Survivor Sable Ward
06:27 Invocation Weaving Spiders
08:24 Strength in Shadows Perk
08:42 Wicked Perk
09:14 New Map Greenville Square
10:29 Two Problems and Outro

Music is from Super Monkey Ball 2

#dbd #intothefog

公開日 2024-02-21 07:35:01
タグ DEAD BY DAYLIGHT,dead by daylight,all things wicked,the unknown,sable ward,new killer,new survivor,goth,dbd goth,gothic,weaving spiders,undone,perk,new perk,explanation,new killer explanation,new killer mori,dead by daylight mori,greenville square,new map,cinema,easter egg,generator,wicked,unforeseen,unbound,strength in shadows,memento mori,ebony mori,ptb,ptb review,perk showcase,new perks showcase,invocations,invocation