
New game mode: LIGHTS OUT! | Dead by Daylight

The first ever new game mode for DBD is now available! In “Lights Out” both sides play in almost complete darkness and without any perks, add-ons or offerings. With far less information than normal, the matches are very chaotic!

00:00 Intro
00:23 Playing as Doctor
05:32 Surviving vs Trickster
09:12 Surviving vs Singularity
15:36 Surviving vs Deathslinger
21:09 My thoughts

Big thanks to my buddies @Eevohhh , @Gh0stArcade , @Sammymjay & @Vicksy as well as the developers for inviting us to play this mode early.

Edited by @Poggy

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公開日 2024-02-08 01:52:00
タグ otzdarva,otz,dbd,dead by daylight,killer build,best perks,best add-ons