
My Honest PTB Review…

This is one of the most controversial updates in DBD since 6.1.0 and I love the feedback and “noise” the community is making!

00:00 Introduction
00:34 Bloodweb Changes
01:31 Heart Indicator
02:16 Map Changes
04:19 Cenobite Small Nerf
04:39 Perk Changes
05:43 Flashlight Nerf
06:41 Hillbilly Nerf
07:30 Addon Changes
07:55 Healing Changes
14:45 Very Bad PTB Glitch
15:16 Outro

#dbd #intothefog

公開日 2023-03-31 02:00:23
タグ dead by daylight,ptb,dbd,new ptb,dbd ptb,dev diary,healing,healing nerf,dead hard nerf,autodidact,dead by daylight ptb,public test build,mid chapter,dbd mid chapter,dead by daylight mid chapter,dead by daylight perk,perk changes,mintskull,ptb review,ptb feedback,behaviour,bhvr,dead by daylight update,dbd update,dead by daylight leak,dbd leak,mid chapter update,midchapter,survivor nerf,three gen nerf