
Making “Tactical Errors” in Dead by Daylight (Stream Highlights)

One thing is always true about Dead by Daylight: if you play long enough, you will end up making the occasional goofball play. And honestly, there’s nothing wrong with that. So let’s celebrate our finer “tactical errors” as we enjoy some well balanced games of DBD.

Also featuring: Flashbang saves, Magically appearing Doctors, laggy misplays, barrel teching zombies, Waltuh, snowman plays, shoddy hitboxes, head on exchanges, blight charged tombstones, and Kates Gambit.

These clips come from stream on Twitch:

And I have a Twitter I guess:

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Background Music:
Hidden by LethalNeedle

Stress by LethalNeedle

Lethal Needle YT

公開日 2023-03-01 01:30:04
タグ yerv,yerv gaming,dbd funny moments,dead by daylight funny moments,dbd tactical error,dead by daylight tactical errors,dbd mistakes,dbd bad plays,dbd bugs,dbd bug montage,dead by daylight bad plays,dbd lowlights,dead by daylight lowlights,dbd,dead by daylight,yerv dbd,dbd highlights,funny moments dbd,dbd gameplay,dead by daylight gameplay,one button for everything,tactical error,tactical errors,tactical error dbd,dbd tactics,dead by daylight tactics