
Leatherface MIGHT be REMOVED from DBD…

PTB Finding might confirm that Leatherface will suffer the same fate as the Stranger Things DLC. UNCONFIRMED YET

00:00 Leahterface might be gone
01:08 Credibility of this Bug
01:42 Counter Argument: Unlicensed Perks
02:36 Potential Reason Why

Hillbilly Theme was the music used in this video. No, I am not gonna play Bubba for the B!

#dbd #dead_by_daylight #intothefog

公開日 2023-01-06 06:31:24
タグ dbd,dead by daylight,dead by daylight leatherface,bubba,texas chainsaw massacre,stranger things,leaving,leaks,new chapter,leaked chapter,leatherface removed,leatherface leaves,leatherface gone,license,dead by daylight license,licensed dlc,licensed update,news,dbd leaks,dbd news,dbd theory,dbd rumour,dead by daylight news,the cannibal,leatherface,bubba sawyer,TCM game,TCM