
Iron Will is now super rare, but why? 🤨 | Dead by Daylight

Iron Will has dropped massively in popularity, almost fading to obscurity overnight. But why? Despite the nerf, Iron Will is still tremendously useful. Another sad fact is that it overlaps unnecessarily with the effects of Off the Record, making it lose relative value. However, if you’re not too attached to those perks, I still think Iron Will is very much worth bringing in many instances. Especially if you’re already playing a quiet character like Sheva (Jill Legendary skin). Much like the other perk featured in this video (Reactive Healing), I don’t think Iron Will is underused because it’s bad. It’s simply because it gets outshined by other perks of the current meta.

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:

公開日 2022-11-16 22:43:07
タグ otzdarva,otz,dbd,dead by daylight,best perks,best add-ons,survivor,iron will,nerf