
I Tried The Otzdarva Experiment In DBD!

I Tried The Otzdarva Experiment In DBD!
So, @notOtzdarva did an Experiment where he played with the Strongest Perks on Killer and used NONE of them in the actual match to see if people would React in the Endgame Chat, so Me, @hens333 ,@SupaAlf & @OllyBOT tried the same thing… but with a TWIST!
Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/ayrun
Twitter – https://www.twitter.com/ayruntv
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/ayruntv
My Discord – https://discord.gg/ayrun
Edited by @TithiDBD
Outro Song – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEDWkhBL9g4

Hope you enjoyed!

公開日 2023-01-22 06:01:52
タグ Ayrun,Dead by Daylight,Ayrun DBD,Rank 1,Gameplay,Survivor,Funny,Rage,Random,Moments,Meme,Fail,How To 360,Twitch Ayrun,Ayrun Dead by Daylight,Not Ayrun,Not JRM,JRM,DBD,Sabo Dwight,Legacy Dwight,New Killer,New Survivor,DC,Rage Quit,I Tried The Otzdarva Experiment In DBD!,Otzdarva,Experiment,The DBD Experiment