
I Started Twitter Drama About A Toxic Streamer | Dead by daylight

I started some drama about a toxic streamer playing Dead By Daylight on Twitter recently when I decided to post a clip of a particularly nasty instance of their saltiness… Here’s what happened!

I hope you enjoyed the video today! If you did, please do leave a like and subscribe for more content just like this and to help me reach 25K by the end of the year! Also, let me know your thoughts on this guy in the comments!

REMINDER: This video is not here so that you can send hate to the streamer in question. It’s an analysis of behaviour and you should take it as a lesson and entertainment, rather than an opportunity to spread hate.

If you have a streamer who you think I should check out, whether they be toxic or wholesome, let me know by emailing me at aaronduketwitch@gmail.com! 🙂

Check me out on:
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/aaron_dukegame
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aaron_duke
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AaronDukeGame
Discord: https://discord.gg/Ee5csPHPQZ

0:00 Introduction
0:45 The Clip I Shared
3:37 Attempting to Justify Toxic Behaviour
6:52 Why We Can’t Justify This Behaviour
8:15 Aaron Duke = Hypocrite?
8:42 Concluding Thoughts
9:33 A Big Announcement!

Endcard music: ‘Crown’ by Neffex

#dbd #dbdtoxic #dbdsalty

公開日 2022-10-15 22:00:35
タグ dead by daylight,dead by daylight salty survivors,dbd,dead by daylight funny moments,twitter,twitter drama,toxic streamer,dbd toxic,dead by daylight gameplay,aaron duke,spooknjukes,otzdarva,dowsey,spookyloopz,dbd ttv,dead by daylight toxic ttv