
Hidden MMR Fully Explained + Shadow Nerf to SWF

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Live 5 Days a week from Ayrun’s abandoned RV

In this Dead by Daylight video we’ll do a deep dive into how exactly MMR is working in 2023. We’ll also cover a SWF conspiracy theory regarding solo queue and lastly discuss why SBMM failed in DBD.

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00:00 Intro
00:38 Grade Ranks
01:22 How MMR Works
05:05 Killer MMR
06:05 Survivor MMR
06:23 Shadow Nerf to SWF
09:05 Why SBMM Failed


公開日 2023-01-10 23:55:10
タグ Dead by Daylight,SWF,Broken,Analysis,salty,toxic,DBD,sweaty,tryhard,overpowered,nerf,buff,meme,funny,review,SBMM,MMR,Skill based matchmaking,rage,compilation,Explained,deadhard,hacking,cheating,entitled,Boon,Twitch,Tru3ta1ent,coconutrts,otz,otzdarva,DOWSEY,Milking tags,you got me,exposed,rip,trash,game,2022,mrbeast,pewdiepie,noob3,matchmaking,the game,Solo queue,fyp,scary,horror,monatge,best,jumpscare,guide,tutorial,walkthrough,op,streak,live,killer,survivor,clips,Solo Queue,Skill