
Dead by Daylight | Portrait of a Murder | The Artist Trailer

She walks among the crows with twisted elegance. The Artist has come to Dead by Daylight.

Carmina Mora, a painter and performer once beloved by her community, is a distant memory. The Artist is all that remains, doling out vengeance through her murderous flock. She roams her nightmarish nesting grounds with Dire Crows by her side, her grotesque cries brimming with rage and pain.

The overwhelming presence of the Dire Crows makes escape difficult, and even the most experienced Survivors will struggle to find solace from the swarm. Those lucky enough to elude the birds will find that The Artist is never far behind, eager to turn her prey into carrion…

The Portrait of a Murder Chapter is available now in Dead by Daylight.

Learn more: https://dbd.game/3qhKfs6

Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer action horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As Survivors your goal is to work together to evade, escape, and most importantly – stay alive.

PLAY DEAD BY DAYLIGHT: https://buythegame.deadbydaylight.com

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#DbD #PortraitOfAMurder

公開日 2021-12-04 01:00:30
タグ dead by daylight,dbd,behaviour interactive,bhvr,slasher game,survival horror,dead by daylight portrait of a murder,dbd portrait of a murder,dbd chapter 22,dead by daylight chapter 22,dead by daylight the artist,dbd the artist,dbd new killer,dead by daylight new killer,dbd the artist trailer,portrait of a murder gameplay trailer,the artist gameplay,dead by daylight the artist trailer,dbd the artist gameplay,dead by daylight the artist gameplay