
Dead By Daylight Grinding Rank Reset | Road To 40K SUBS!

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Join this channel to get access to perks:

-Do not spam in chat or you’ll be timed out. If it happens more than once you’ll be banned.
-Chat is english only.
-Just use common sense and don’t be rude.
-We do not take racism, homophobia, etc lightly. Just don’t.
-Do not back seat game if I need help I’ll ask.
– Respect the mods always. They are here to help.
– If you troll during open lobbies and intentionally sabotage games you’ll be banned from joining them permanently!

#gaming #livestream #dbd

公開日 2024-04-14 15:36:24
タグ chucky dbd,dead by daylight chucky,dead by daylight chucky teaser,dbd,dead by daylight,dead by daylight gameplay,dbd survivor,dbd killer,dbd gameplay,funny dbd,sable ward dbd,dead by daylight sable ward,dbd new killer,dead by daylight chapter 31,dead by daylight new killer,sable dbd,new ptb dbd,dbd ptb,dbd chapter 31 ptb,dbd new perks