
Dead by Daylight | Bone Chill Event 2023

Do not eat the red snow.

Dead by Daylight’s Bone Chill Event is on the way, featuring festive atmosphere, grotesque snowmen, high stakes snowskull fights, and plenty of holiday gifts to go around.

LEARN MORE: https://dbd.game/47IukWs

Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer action/horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As Survivors your goal is to work together to evade, escape, and most importantly – stay alive.      

PLAY DEAD BY DAYLIGHT: https://buythegame.deadbydaylight.com/   

Join the official forum:  https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/

 Like and follow us on our official Social Media Channels:     
– Facebook:  https://facebook.com/DeadByDaylight
– Twitter:  https://twitter.com/DeadbyDaylight
– Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/deadbydaylight/
– TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deadbydaylight


公開日 2023-12-06 03:00:04
タグ dead by daylight,dbd,behaviour interactive,bhvr,slasher game,survival horror