
Basement Trapper at 5 gens and STILL losing… 😂 | Dead by Daylight

This match is a great example of smart use of meta perks managed to turn a typically winning scenario for Killer into an actual losing situation. Dead Hard, Unbreakable and Borrowed Time all came into play at the perfect time. If I could do something different, I’d slug the Kate at 2:26 right away, ignore the Dwight completely and immediately try to secure the hook on Claudette. But then again, they could’ve easily picked Kate up if they had We’re Gonna Live Forever, so even that strategy could have backfired… Meta perks are meta for a reason, after all.

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公開日 2022-06-14 02:30:04
タグ otzdarva,otz,dbd,dead by daylight,killer build,best perks,best add-ons