
All Common Tiles Explained | Dead by Daylight

This is a very simple guide going over the most common “tiles” or structures that appear in several maps. Each tile is described briefly and there’s a some examples of how to run them as each side. I’ve also included some common mindgames (from both perspectives) but please keep in mind that these are risky and do not work against every player.

00:00 Intro
00:22 Shack
03:26 Long-Wall Gym
6:00 Short-wall Gym
8:05 Pallet Gym
9:36 T-L Walls
12:50 Z-Wall
13:58 U-Wall
14:19 Straight Tile
16:01 Trash Pile Gym
18:03 Locker Gym
20:18 4-lane Walls (window in)
21:33 4-lane Walls (window out)
23:11 Labyrinth Gym
25:17 Variant Gym
27:06 Broken Truck
28:06 Crane
30:05 Bus (center window)
31:52 Bus (back window)
33:19 Harvester
34:58 Cow Tree
36:49 House of Pain

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:

公開日 2022-01-22 03:48:57
タグ otzdarva,otz,dbd,dead by daylight,mindgames,tutorial,how to,guide,shack,common tiles