
All 25 Killers Ranked from Least to Most Fun to Face! (Dead by Daylight Tier List)

Hey everyone, today we’re ranking all 25 killers from least to most fun to play against, as survivor. We’re gonna have five tiers for this. Almost always boring to face, Mostly boring to face, Fun half the time, Mostly fun to face, and finally, Almost guaranteed fun. This is of course going to be highly subjective, so if you disagree, please do drop a comment on who your favourite killer to face is. Let’s get into it.

Chapter 21.5 has been revealed and is named Hour of the Witch, featuring new survivor Mikaela Reid. Mikaela is bringing a new type of survivor perk named Boon perks, that can bless dull totems, turning them into Boon totems.

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Night Run Away – An Jone

Hope you enjoy!
Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/AZHYMOVS

Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there): https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_by_Daylight_Wiki

Intro 0:00
Almost always boring to face 0:25
Mostly boring to face 2:17
Fun half the time 6:39
Mostly fun to face 12:02
Almost guaranteed fun 15:40
Outro 18:55

公開日 2021-10-08 01:00:25
タグ dbd,dead by daylight,azhymovs dbd,azhymovs dead by daylight,dbd tier list,dead by daylight tier list,least to most fun,most fun killers dbd,most fun killers dead by daylight