
8 DBD Myths Busted (Episode 24)

It’s time ONCE AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN to look at 8 Dead By Daylight myths submitted by you lot. Does Dissolution work when grabbed off a pallet? Does Spine Chill work when the Dredge is in a locker? And more….

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Some imagery including perk, items, addons and killer images were taken from the DBD Fandom Wiki used here under their Fair Use clause.

0:00 Intro
0:06 Does Darkness Revealed activate when grabbing a survivor out of a locker?
0:58 Does Blindness make auras vanish in Nightfall?
1:46 Can Remember Me gain stacks post-activation?
2:25 Does Pighouse Gloves reduce stun duration when carrying a survivor?
2:52 Does Play With Your Food alter power movement speed?
3:17 Does Inner Focus show you Pebble scratch marks from other survivors?
3:55 Does the Dredge activate Spine Chill when in a locker?
4:16 Does Dissolution work when grabbing a survivor?
5:05 Outro

公開日 2022-06-30 02:00:06
タグ dbd,dead by daylight,pebsie,myths,busted,myths busted,myth busters,dissolution,dredge,wraith,play with your food