
50 Win Streak on The Unknown | Dead by Daylight

This video explains the general strategy I followed to get 50 wins in a row with The Unknown. For the purpose of this challenge, we consider a win getting 3 or 4 kills, with anything less resulting in a reset. Offerings and add-ons were also limited to keep things interesting!

00:00 Intro
00:44 Build & Strategy Breakdown
05:10 Wretched Shop Nightmare
22:55 Hawkins Crazy Endgame
33:35 Greenville Insane Comeback
43:15 I made a terrible mistake…

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely @Ev3ntic.

公開日 2024-03-23 01:44:35
タグ otzdarva,otz,dbd,dead by daylight,killer build,best perks,best add-ons,win streak,50 wins in a row,the unknown,unknown