We finally completed the All Perk Streak challenge, and oh boy did it take a while! This video breaks down the rules and strategies we used and showcases some of the most intense games from all of our attempts.
0:00:00 Intro
0:09:20 Cannibal (Coal Tower)
0:21:54 Shape (Cowshed)
0:29:18 Trapper (Azarov’s)
0:34:06 Ghostface (Thompson’s)
0:49:53 Hag (Dead Dawg Saloon)
1:02:02 Onryo (Haddonfield)
1:13:16 Spirit (The Game)
1:24:21 Wraith (Azarov’s)
1:37:22 Doctor (Gas Heaven)
APS Loadout Picture: https://i.imgur.com/uDu4dSP.jpg
APS Helper App: https://github.com/KumoKairo/all_perks_streak_helper/releases/
Watch live: https://www.twitch.tv/Otzdarva
Join our community: http://discord.gg/Otzdarva
Thumbnail render by Ev3ntic, background music by Alfeso and match data collected by Helix_D2.
公開日 | 2022-06-17 07:14:45 |
タグ | otzdarva,otz,dbd,dead by daylight,killer build,best perks,best add-ons,all perk streak,all killers,all perks,challenge,win streak,50 wins,sadako,dredge |