Check Sizzle.GG out!
These 12 Tips will help you especially if you are a new player
00:00 Why Do I Get Hit At Windows?
01:51 Attacking Throught Walls
02:22 Play Both Sides
04:08 Types of Pallets
05:45 Always Loop Tight!
06:42 Don’t Have a Static Camera!
08:00 Identify The Exhaustion Perks
08:42 Sprint Burst
09:08 Lithe
09:33 Balanced Landing
10:16 Head On
10:58 Smash Hit and Overcome
11:45 Dead Hard
12:34 Window Item Trick!
13:09 Always Multitask!
13:47 Always Zone while Breaking Pallets!
14:16 Lunge Attack Before Drops!
14:47 All Killers are Different
All music is taken from Sonic Mania!
公開日 | 2022-09-27 01:00:02 |
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