
10 Solo Escapes with Clairvoyance | Dead by Daylight

This video explains the general strategy that we used to escape 10 times in a row playing solo with no items – and how you can use some of these tricks to save your life if your team is already losing.

00:00 Intro
07:50 Spirit (Temple)
21:27 Huntress (Saloon)
35:03 Cannibal (Léry’s)
51:35 Blight (Suffo Pit)

Ayrun’s Solo Escape series: https://youtu.be/OISQzZUPzDM

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Thumbnail 3D render courtesy of NuminousDBD:

公開日 2022-02-09 01:14:29
タグ otzdarva,otz,dbd,dead by daylight,survivor,survivor build,clairvoyance dbd,clairvoyance any good