
My suggested changes for each Killer… | Dead by Daylight

Just a (relatively) brief video where I discuss my thoughts on what changes each Killer needs to be more balanced but mostly more fun and fair (as of update 6.3.0).

0:00:00 Intro & Overview
0:02:08 Trapper
0:05:47 Wraith
0:07:10 Hillbilly
0:10:09 Nurse
0:15:01 Huntress
0:16:39 Shape
0:19:21 Hag
0:21:49 Doctor
0:23:59 Cannibal
0:27:23 Nightmare
0:30:29 Pig
0:32:56 Clown
0:36:29 Spirit
0:38:57 Legion
0:40:54 Plague
0:43:49 Ghostface
0:45:41 Demogorgon
0:47:51 Oni
0:51:39 Deathslinger
0:53:24 Executioner
0:55:53 Blight
1:00:23 Twins
1:04:26 Trickster
1:08:43 Nemesis
1:16:22 Cenobite
1:21:30 Artist
1:23:57 Onryo
1:28:23 Dredge
1:32:17 Mastermind

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:

公開日 2022-10-21 05:23:47
タグ otzdarva,otz,dbd,dead by daylight,killer changes,twins rework,sadako rework,buffs,nerfs,wesker